How did I end up here? I was a happy camper in Torrejon/Madrid, wasn´t I...
I had that idea already a few years ago, to live half a year or so in Peru... But yes... So I finished Hesses Steppenwolf last year in March. And Hesse always makes me think. Having a look in OCC mundial (mexican jobsite), I found a a few interesting jobs. But for some they wanted someone maximum 45 years of age. I was just that, for 2 MORE MONTHS!!! Then I´d be 46!!! :-(
So really, that gave me a kick. Started off with getting a new passport (mine was only valid for 1 more year). And then, off jobhunting. Not only in MX, but also Argentina, Peru, Uruguay, Chile, Costa Rica, Panama... I think I still have accounts in more than 20 websites, hehe...
Anyway, 1000 applications more or less, I found something. Average every 80 applications I had an interview (Panama, Argentina, MX, Uruguay, Costa Rica). None in Chile, Peru, Ecuador. Well, some I managed well, some I just failed. But usually they said "bugger, that you're still in Spain, we really need someone that can start in a month top."
The CompuCom Interviews, well... first the english test. Not that tricky. Then first real interview. 3 people, the HR girl from MX dialled me in. Connection was bad, I couldn´t hear them, and vice versa. After that, I thought "dude, thats it, that was crap".
But no... second interview. Again, the HR girl dialled me in -- very bad connection. So I asked for the dial in details, left the bridge, and dialled in myself. MUUUCH better. the interview was scheduled for 30 mins, but we talked for an hour. :-)
Signed the contract September 30, 2016, and finally started here January 23. Man, rocky times...
Since I had like 5 going away parties (with different groups, but often the same place), one guy in that bar (Pacifico, in Torrejon) said "dude, now get the fuck over to Mexico already, how many more leaving parties do you want to have???" And I was simply practising for the "maraton Guadalupe Reyes" :-P
Yes, was tough to say good bye... many good people I left behind... the most I will miss Gema, Manuel, Jessica, Bea, Ander, Clara, Carmen, Ceci, Marian, Alberto, Victorcito, gorder, Miguel, Gustavo, Iboh, Mayo...
By the way, new years eve I ended in a gay party. 30 blokes, just 5 chics. and of these, 3 lesbians... hehe... well, they had great food though... first time I had "rajas" :-D
So, the difference really in regards to Germany/Ireland/Spain?, what did I find here?
- yes, people run when crossing the street, sometimes it is dangerous.
- power cables hang very low at times, you really have to watch where you're going
- almost no litter boxes. Just in the city centre. so, litter the street, or take home.
- Girls do their makeup everywhere. waiting for the bus, in the office (one even irons her hair in the office!!!)
- boardwalks are very uneven, irregular. curbs like a foot high...
- Queues in unexpected places...ATM at payday (although nothing like the taxi queues back in the nineties in Dublin...)
- Pay is very often twice a months, bi weekly...
- The metrobus has 3 doors. one is for women only (don't enter there if yer male, they kinda look at ye...)
- coca cola light or zero? not in all places... very often just coke normal
- they do actually have rental bikes here, ecobici! I was surprised, and works well!
- in the office they sometimes do drug tests. they give you 2 days notice, and off you go to the doctor
So far, I am loving it. Great people, great food, good craic...I live in a quite safe hood in CDMX, sharing with a cool girl, Lau. And I hope some stage I can get me own feckin flat ;-)
Travelled a bit, here the map so far... we'´ll see how we end...
reading now: Viejo Gringo - Carlos Fuentes.
Great mexican song: